Eden Euphorion

A thrilled journey to the future of humanity with AI... Be prepared

Eden Euphorion

The year is 2107. America is on its death bed. Losing control of AI, the human society suffers a catastrophic loss of lives and livelihood. From a sonic weapon of mass destruction, Sarah, the sole survival of her beloved family, joins a terrorist sect in her grief to exact revenge on the dictator named Oren for his war crimes. Mysteriously invited to his perfect society named Eden, Sarah leaves everything behind on a suicidal mission. But her time in Eden will challenge everything she believes in. Oren and his Edenians are peaceful and nature-loving people, a far cry from the blood-thirsty barbarians of her imagination. In this seductive and intellectual company, Sarah loses control and spins into a dilemma. In the meantime, the bomb in her check ticks urgently and determines to destroy the clandestine AI guardian of Eden…

When our world is destroyed by AI, we still managed to gain control and restore our world. While AI may be serving us well, are we able to overcome our own evils and live in peace? In this series of Sci-Fi thrillers, the author T Zhang, using his rich experiences filming directing, writing, and science, will lead you through this journey into a machine and humanity intertwined world ...